
April 2016

Planting and Growing a Happy and Healthy Gardener

It took me 20 years to understand, but a small piece of advice from a Master Gardener lets me share a seed of gardening knowledge that I nurture for myself each and every year. It’s wonderful advice from an old friend.

Taking Earth Day 2016 Inside Your Home

A few simple changes inside our homes can have a huge impact on our environment. Celebrate Earth Day by looking at your own home for ways to become more energy efficient and environmentally supportive of our Mother Earth.

Celebrate National Library Week with a Good Read

Libraries are wonderful, meaningful places. In our fast-paced world, many think they’re a thing of the past, but Libraries really can transform lives. Celebrate this week by visiting your local library and reading a great book.

Loving Everything about Food

Did you know that March was National Food Month? I am a huge foodie, so I can’t believe I missed out! Check out all we missed.

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