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Submit a Coupon

List your coupon for only $1!

Open to All Online Stores: Posting your coupons in the PointShop Mall is easy. Simply complete one form below per coupon. We review your discount code for accuracy and suitability. Then our e-marketing staff will create and post your coupon with discount code for you.

PointShop Merchants: If your website is hosted by PointShop, you qualify for FREE coupon/discount code postings once your coupon/discount code has been approved*. Accounts must be in good standing and will be confirmed by our business office.

Non-PointShop Merchants: We charge a flat $1 submission fee per coupon for the life of your campaign. With no PPC/CPC fees, you'll know what your costs will be right up-front. We will send a PayPal Invoice when your coupon/discount code has been approved*. Coupons will not display online until they have been approved and paid for.

* PointShop reserves the right to approve or reject any coupon as it sees fit, and all decisions are final. You will not be charged if your coupon is rejected. Incomplete information, unusable codes, and inappropriate language are the most common reasons for a coupon to be rejected.

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(Coupons are only valid for up to 90 days. If the End Date provided exceeds 90 days, it will be modified prior to posting your coupon.)

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